Players Profiles:

  1.  Elie Abboud (8)
  2. Joseph Sahlani (15)
  3. Jad Richa (13)
  4. Rabih Abboud (23)
  5. Elie Karam (2)
  6. Andrew Savaya (3)
  7. Andre Yaacoub (18)
  8. Jule Helou (9)
  9. Ralph Helou (6)
  10. Maher Choufany (-)
  11. Tony Azam (12)
  12. Maroun Maroun (-)
  13. + 2 other players ...
 Elie Abboud , Jernaya Basketball Team

- Role : Player , Captain
- Origin : Jernaya - South Lebanon
- Height : 1.90 m ; 6.23 Feet
- Weight : 74 Kg ; 158.73 Pounds
- Position : 3 - 4 (SF - PF)
- Age : 17
- Number "8"

- Favorite Lebanese Player : Boulos Bechara
- Favorite Foreign Player : Alvin Sims
- Favorite NBA Player : Kobe Bryant
- Favorite Teams : "Sagesse - Beirut" & "LA Lakers"
- Favorite Kit Numbers : 8 - 13

- About The Player : He plays well in the inside and have a good mi-distance and 3pts shoot-out. Fighting for the rebound, he can add two simple points from offensive rebounds. And a good attractive for the double team defense.
Joseph Sahlani , Jernaya Basketball Team

- Role : Player , One Player Coach.
- Origin : Nabaa , Mount-Lebanon
- Height : 1.70 m ; 5.57 Feet
- Weight : 85 Kg ; 187.39 Pound
- Position : 1 - 2 (PG - SG)
- Age : 21
- Number "15"

- Favorite Lebanese Player : Fadi Khatib
- Favorite Foreign Player : Alvin Sims
- Favorite NBA Player : Kobe Bryant
- Favorite Teams : "Sagesse - Beirut" & "LA Lakers"
- Favorite Kit Numbers : 10 - 15

- About The Player : Joseph is a great player , nobody can describe his penetration and his great 3pts in the dead minutes and seconds. People imagine great Alvin Sims in his plays. A play maker with an important future by his talent efforts.
Jad Richa , Jernaya Basketball Team

- Role : Player
- Origin : Achrafieh , Beirut
- Height : 1.85 m ; 6.06 Feet
- Weight : 92 Kg ; 202.82 Pound
- Position : 2 - 3 (SG - SF)
- Age : 19
- Number "13"

- Favorite Lebanese Player : Elie Mechantaf
- Favorite Foreign Player : Alvin Sims
- Favorite NBA Player : Kobe Bryant
- Favorite Teams : "Sagesse - Beirut" & "LA Lakers"
- Favorite Kit Numbers : 9 - 13

- About The Player : Jad Richa is a great 3pointer and can penetrate any defense tactic. He plays on his own and let his team play on his own, so he and his team-mates can get the win they're searching for. He's a shooting guard and a small forward and play point guard as well too. A great Leadership.

Rabih Abboud , Jernaya Basketball Team

- Role : Player
- Origin : Jernaya - South Lebanon
- Height : 1.87 m ; 6.13 Feet
- Weight : 69 Kg ; 152.11 Pound
- Position : 4 - 3 (PF - SF)
- Age : 15
- Number "4"

- Favorite Lebanese Player : Elie Mechantaf
- Favorite Foreign Player : Mohammad Acha
- Favorite NBA Player : Kobe Bryant
- Favorite Teams : "Sagesse - Beirut" & "LA Lakers"
- Favorite Kit Numbers : 4 - 13

- About The Player : A very talented player. He can get the rebound from a very high player and help his team-mates to get the simple win with fast breaks , rebounds and great unimaginable stuff. Number 4 is a great number for a great player.

Elie Karam , Jernaya Basketball Team

- Role : Player
- Origin : Jernaya - South Lebanon
- Height : 1.49 m ; 4.88 Feet
- Weight : 46 Kg ; 101.41 Pound
- Position : 2 - 1 (SG - PG)
- Age : 13
- Number "14"

- Favorite Lebanese Player : Fadi Khatib
- Favorite Foreign Player : Alvin Sims
- Favorite NBA Player : Kobe Bryant
- Favorite Teams : "Sagesse - Beirut" & "LA Lakers"
- Favorite Kit Numbers : 15 - 13

- About The Player : For his size, he is a good player with talent efforts. He can get the steals in a good way and can as said. for his size he penetrate the inside in a well way. A good defensive player especially on half-court man-to-man defense. This player started playing basketball in Summer 2008 in Jernaya Basketball Training 2008. He can shoot to score the free-throws and 3pts shoots in a good way.

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