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"Harry Savaya" on the left and "Elie Abboud" on the right.
This picture was pictured after Jernaya vs Achrafieh game.

"Joseph Sahlani" and "Harry Savaya" happy for getting the first win from the first game to Jernaya. 

"Roudy Helou" from Jernaya and in Jernaya Football Team as Captain... 

"Tony Habib" Player 9. A big future for this player in Basketball. 

"Jad Richa" a new player in Jernaya roster (Number 13) He wasn't able to play the first game with the Team.

"Elie Abboud" Number 8. Jernaya Basketball Team Captain. 

"Rabih Abboud" Number 4 from Jernaya and give anything to Jernaya, especially basketball games wins.....
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